
Documenting Our Project’s History

How does a collaborative, regional initiative that includes 22 partner institutions, come into existence? What does running such a project actually entail?

For anyone who might be interested in forming a regionally-based project with multiple partners, we are pleased to announce that our project’s early history has been documented in an article recently published in the Journal of the Early Book Society 26 (2023). All four project PIs contributed to this article, titled “Regional Collaboration and the Peripheral Manuscripts Project” (195-208).

More information about this issue can be found here: https://press.pace.edu/journal-of-the-early-book-society/ 

We look forward to announcing more publications in the future, particularly as we build up to our project repository launch in late 2024! All project-related publications can be found on the Publications tab, which you can find in the top navigation bar.

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